Video library
Product videos

We have extensive experience in making machines and systems that are used in connection with the production of cheese. Watch our videos related to cheese production here:

Bread and bakery
Nikodan has developed several different systems and machines designed for the production of bread and baked products. You can see all our product videos that relate to bread and bakery here:

We have developed several systems and machines designed for meat and butchery production. You can see all our product videos related to meat production and slaughterhouses here:

Robotic palletising
Through several different projects, we have experience with robot palletizing based on customer-specific needs. You can see our product videos on robotic palletizing here:

Pallet transport
Here you can see some examples of systems we have made for the transport of pallets. The videos can be viewed at the link below:

Our range of machines for handling cakes and confectionery products is extensive. You can see our product videos in this area here:

About Nikodan
We have made a video that gives a short introduction to our company and our way of working. You can watch the video here:

Her kan du se nogle eksempler på systemer vi har lavet til transport af paller. Videoerne kan ses på linket nedenfor:

Om Nikodan
Vi har fået lavet en video, der giver en kort introduktion til vores virksomhed, og vores måde at arbejde på. Du kan se videoen her: